Oncology M&A Valuation Segment Report
Comparable Transactions / Precedent Deals
Excel spreadsheet with Scope Research's cancer center/oncology M&A valuation data. Transactions segmented by type, which includes radiation therapy, proton therapy, radiosurgery, and medical oncology (mostly radiation therapy centers).
- 31 transactions with revenue or EBITDA multiples
- 24 of these deals have EBITDA Multiples
- Last updated 7/25/24
Each transaction includes price to revenue and/or EBITDA multiples. We provide the names of the parties, transaction date, ownership percentage acquired, deal price (stated on a total enterprise value basis), time period of the financial information relied upon, revenue and/or EBITDA, and a description of our source documents and key details related to the financial information presented.
Reach out to will@scoperesearch.co for more information.
All transactions included in the Scope Research healthcare M&A databases are meticulously researched and sourced from public documentation. Our internal records include an audit trail of links to our sources, which include:
- Fairness opinions
- SEC filings
- Press releases
- Bond market research
- Medicare cost reports
- CON filings (FOIA)
- Form 990s
- Public audits
- AG reports
- Insurance department filings